“A Journey”

“A Journey”

“A Journey”

About 8 years ago, when I lost someone very important to me, I started keeping a journal of quotes and expressions. Unfortunately, I lost a lot more people since then. To this day, I carry around a small book with me because you never know. Those of you who know me will always see it in my hand.  Sayings and advice that I heard, picked up on, or was given, I just jotted down. It’s just what I do.  

I was always fascinated by two things. The first is the power of musical lyrics and the effect it can have on your mood, personal feelings, memory, trials, and tribulations. Whether working out, writing a blog, walking, or just sitting on a deck, the reflection is never the same.  My friends laugh at me and say, “Stags…you are too deep”

The second was the power of the pen and conversation. It never bothered me to get in front of a dozen, a hundred or thousands of people to inspire, discuss or just talk.  Connecting with people was and always will be important to me.  In some cases, perhaps I talk too much.  As mom would say, “you are your father’s son”.  But what I have learned over the years through lyrical expression in music and the sturdy word of a good quote was this:

A.  People want and need to be inspired.  Always reinvent yourself so that people never get tired of hearing your voice!    

B.  Be Genuine!  The worst thing I would ever want to be labeled as is disingenuous.  Because once people feel you are no longer authentic, then it all goes to the waste side.

I like to think that all the lessons learned in life so far and the many more to come, is that I never lose my genuineness and authenticity.   Money comes and goes… But a genuine impression you leave on someone can last a lifetime.  

I will leave you with my favorite quote of all time from one of my favorite movies, “A League of Their Own”:

“It gets inside you.  It’s what lights you up.  You can’t deny that.”  

“It’s supposed to be hard.  If it wasn’t hard then everybody would do it.  The hard is what makes it great!”

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